State Medallion 2024 winners:
Janey Clausen and Jenni Farquhar ——————————————————
State Medallion Local Event A. Competition shall be open to AWGA members on the member’s course on Play Day and will consist of two (2) best gross and two (2) best net 18-hole rounds out of a designated four (4) rounds. Players need not participate in all four (4) rounds to be eligible. Determining the winner on the basis of the best two (2) rounds out of four (4) is intended to give players the maximum opportunity to produce two (2) good scores, not to eliminate those players who cannot play all four (4) rounds.
1) Disqualification from one (1) round of the tournament does not disqualify the player from the tournament.
2) Eight Play Day requirement will be waived for these qualification rounds.
3) Players may participate in each AWGA member club competition of which she is a member.
4) The AWGA recommends that all four (4) rounds be played on the same course.
5) All rounds shall be posted as “T” scores.
6) The maximum handicap index of 40.4 shall be used, as specified in the USGA Handicap Manual. This converts to a course handicap of 44 at The Preserve. A player may “play down” to that index, if necessary.
B. In the event of a tie, the Committee has two options that shall be announced prior to the first day of play:
1) Hold an 18-hole playoff within two weeks.
2) If an 18-hole playoff is not feasible, a scorecard playoff will be used, per AWGA recommended tiebreaker guidelines.
C. The State Representative of each member club shall conduct this tournament. Medallions will be distributed to each participating member club and awarded by the AWGA Representative.
1) No participant may win both the low gross and the low net awards. Gross will take precedence over net.
2) Should handicaps change during the play of the four stipulated rounds, or a playoff if necessary, the handicap in effect at the time each round is played shall be used.
D. For AWGA guidelines of State Medallion Tournament at Phoenix see AWGA link and click on State Medallion Tournament.
E. The MPWGA will pay the tournament fees, along with a stipend to help offset travel expenses, for the winning MPWGA members who will represent our club in the statewide tournament.
State Medallion State Events A. Entrants in the State Medallion Club Team Tournament shall be the winners of the low gross and low net prizes in her club’s State Medallion Tournament that year. In the event that the club’s State Medallion Tournament has not been completed for that year at the time of the State Medallion Club Team Tournament, entrants may be the winners from the previous year. In no case may the entrants be the winners from a State Medallion Tournament held more than one calendar year prior to the State Medallion Club Team Tournament being entered. In the event that a club has more than 350 AWGA members in their women’s group as of September 1 of the year the winners are determined, the club may choose to send one (1) team for each 350 members, for instance: 350 members: 1 team 351-700 members: 2 teams 701-1050 members: 3 teams The first team shall be made up of the low gross winner and the low net winner and designated by the letter “A”. The second team shall be made up of the second low gross winner and the second low net winner and designated by the letter “B”, and so on.
B. Should the first place winner of a club’s State Medallion Tournament choose not to represent her club in the State Medallion Club Team Tournament, a club shall field its team by entering the second place finisher of that division, and proceeding down the order of finish until the team has been fielded. For example, a team may consist of the second place gross winner and the first place net winner. If the club is still not able to field a team and the teams at the Medallion Club Team Tournament are split (see letter “I” below), the club may send an individual gross winner or net winner in the 18 Hole tournament only. Having only one entry from a club should be a last resort. Teams are preferred.
C. There will be NO EXEMPTIONS into this tournament.
D. A player may compete on only one team and represent only one club. The players must appear on the club’s roster at the AWGA office.
E. The competition shall consist of stroke play.
F. There shall be an 18-Hole competition and a 9-Hole competition. Players must compete within the division for which the club’s State Medallion was won.
G. Maximum handicap limits (40.4) shall be used for the 18 Hole tournament and 20.2 for the 9 Hole Tournament, as specified in the USGA Handicap System Manual. Players may “play down” to that index, if necessary.
H. Each player shall play her own ball.
I. The team score shall be the total of the gross player’s gross score and the net player’s net score.
J. The tournament will be flighted with prizes awarded in each flight.
K. Three separate stroke play tournaments will be played simultaneously for: 1. AWGA Club Team Medallion Champion 2. AWGA Individual Low Gross Medallion Champion 3. AWGA Individual Low Net Medallion Champion
L. A perpetual plaque will be awarded to the champions.