SBHOA2 Golf – Local Rules Governing Play – October 2024 – click here for printable copy.

MountainView Golf Course – Local Rules – 2024 

OUT OF BOUNDS – Homeowner property lines, walls, fences, streets and parking lots shall define out-of-bounds when white stakes are not present. 

GROUND UNDER REPAIR – All newly sodded areas, landscaped areas, areas outlined by white lines, and staked trees are ground under repair from which play is prohibited. If a player’s ball lies within the area or if it interferes with the player’s stance or his intended swing, the player MUST take relief. On established sod, the player must take relief if the sod seam interferes with the area of the intended swing, but not the player’s stance. 

PENALTY AREAS ADJACENT TO CART PATHS When a penalty area is adjacent to a cart path, the edge of the cart path defines the edge of the penalty area. Refer to the USGA definition of penalty areas. 

FRENCH DRAINS are immovable obstructions. The player will receive relief under Rule 16 – Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions. 

GREENSIDE IRRIGATION HEADS AND DRAINS are immovable obstructions. If a ball lies off the putting green and these obstructions are within two club-lengths of the putting green and is within two club-lengths of the ball and intervenes on the line of play to the hole, the player may take relief as outlined under rule 16.1b (See model local rules F-5.1) 

BALL DROP AREAS may be used on holes #3, 8, 13, 15 and 16 if a player’s ball comes to rest within the penalty area. These are located at the Yellow tee on holes #3, 8, 13, and 15. The drop area for hole 16 is behind the green for balls that are in the penalty area beyond the green. . Players may NOT use any other ball drop areas for balls lost in the desert or out of bounds. The MPLN (Lady Niners) have special drop areas that are described in their annual Member Handbook. 

MOUNTAINVIEW HOLES #7, 8, AND 16: The stone walls surrounding the ponds on these holes have been defined as immovable obstructions. All of these walls are considered to be within the edge of the penalty area. The side of the walls facing the General area (or Bunker) is the edge of the penalty area. 

LOCAL RULE E-5: “When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance. For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in the relief area (see Rule 14.3). 

PROVISIONAL BALL ON HOLES WITH PENALTY AREA: If there is doubt whether a ball is in or is lost in the penalty area, a player may play another ball provisionally under any of the applicable options in Rule 18.3. If the original ball is found outside the penalty area, the player MUST continue play with it. If the original ball is found in the penalty area, the player may either play the original ball as it lies or continue with the ball played provisionally under Rule 18.3. If the original ball is not found or identified within the three-minute search period, the player MUST continue with the ball played provisionally. 

REV: October 2024